• Anthony, Yvonne, Terrie, Henry, Jane, and Gwen ~

    Each of you has shared WONDERFUL thoughts on this topic.

    * Give value first
    * Speak conversationally
    * Be authentic
    * Build rapport and relationships
    * Provide great content

    Terrie! Thanks for your “powerhouse” compliment. You made my day!

    Gwen – I LOVE the way you pointed out that Google (and all the other search engines) ARE NOT going to be buying our products and programs!!!

    I really appreciate all of you joining in this conversation!

    Let’s write on!

  • This is a great subject Melanie. I believe that if we give value first, the search engines will look after themselves. And we should write so we’ll be read. I agree with Yvonne that its a good tactic to write so a reader will feel a connection, as if you spoke just to them.


  • Hi Melanie,

    I too believe that writing in a conversational way and structuring your information so that it appeals to our readers is the best way. This may be the main means they get to know, like and trust us, so why not be as authentic as possible so that they can feel as if you wrote the post especially ‘for me’? Thank you.

    Warm regards,

  • Melanie:

    Love the title of your blog article- “Write for Human Beings and Not Search Engines”. Totally agree with you on “It’s all about Return on Engagement”. Building rapport and relationships with your readers is what blogging is all about.
    .-= Jane´s last blog ..Why did you Become An Entrepreneur? Part I =-.

  • Totally agree!

    Best chances of getting dedicated readers is through great content that they can connect with (i.e., written for them, not a search engine) and engagement.

    Thanks for sharing Melanie.

    .-= Henry Peña´s last blog ..The Ultimate Social Media Personal Branding Platform by Pro Manager =-.

  • The audio is a great idea but it kind of gets lost. I would have missed it (and maybe did when i first come to the site) if I hadn’t seen your tweet about the audio. maybe put it lower or center or can you change the color of the audioacrobat player – I don’t think so but they may have done that.

    Good work!


  • I tend to agree. I know SEO is important because we want to be “seen” by Google and people searching on your topic. And that’s great and useful. Ahem, what about those people who don’t know they should search for your topic – or that it even exists – but would still be interested in it if they found it?

    In reality, Google isn’t going to buy our products or comment on our posts is he/she? Word of mouth has always been a good strategy in business. Thats how you find people who don’t know what they don’t know 🙂

    Thanks for writing this!

    .-= Gwen Tanner´s last blog ..How To Repurpose Your Articles and Blog Posts =-.

  • Well, aren’t you such a powerhouse this month Melanie – i’m really impressed with your posts – they have so much of you in them and that is a wonderful thing.

    This is such great advice and I’m glad you pointed it out for us while some of us may be struggling with what to write for the blog challenge.

    Keep up the great work.
